Become a Member!
Wonder’neath Art Society launched its Membership program in 2019! We are excited to invite the community to become more involved at Wonder’neath by becoming a Member, where you will receive updates on what is happening, members-only Open Studio Workshops, voting rights at our annual AGM and more!
Our Memberships are valid for one Calendar year from January 1st to December 31st.
Please note that all Memberships can be paid for in person, via e-transfer or through our website. If you have any questions or would like more information about becoming a member, please contact us by phone at (902) 454-6860 or by email at
A Basic Membership includes:
Regular communication/newsletter updates
Voting rights at the AGM
Quarterly members-only Open Studio workshops (Covid-19 permitting)
Memberships are valid for one calendar year, January 1st to December 31st.
Sustaining Memberships Include:
Regular communication/newsletter updates
Voting rights at the AGM
Quarterly members-only Open Studio style workshops
An annual, limited edition, signed print* (conservatively valued at $50) by a selected local artist
Memberships are valid for one calendar year, January 1st to December 31st.
This year’s Sustaining Membership Print will be created by Kawama Kasutu
*Note: if a sustaining member would prefer not to accept a print, they may be issued a receipt for the value of the print, which would be $50. Receipts must include: Full name (including middle initial), mailing & email address. Receipts will be sent by mail prior to the end of the Calendar Year.
Sliding Scale Memberships
Sliding Scale Memberships are available upon Board approval, please Contact Us for more information.